Coach CornerEquipmentViscaria + Tenergy 05 feels somewhat slow
Casperr_l asked 3 months ago

Hello everyone!
I recently switched from a Xiom Calderano SAL Blade with Yasaka Rakza XX rubbers to a Butterfly Viscaria with Tenergy 05 (FH) and Glayzer 09c (BH). My forehand topspins have become a lot more consistent, and I’m very confident with this blade. However my forehand kill loop feels kinda slow. Any ideas how that comes? Should I train more for power looping? Or perhaps is the tenergy 05 not as fast as I initially thought.

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 months ago

Hey Casper, I think that it will just take a bit of time to adapt but if your consistency is better and you are more confident this is great. It just means you need to work on generating power with this set up, Tenergy 05 is pretty fast for sure so I think you’ll learn to do this no problem.

Just focus on using the legs and body well and keeping a relaxed arm so you can accelerate well into your shots when you are going for more power! I think this is the bets way to have it because at least now you know you can be consistent and make less mistakes it’s just getting used to the power loop shots. Dan 🙂

replied 2 months ago

Okay thank you!
I’ll work on improving my loop by using the body and legs a bit more. I’ll try to get a video soon of my loop to get some feedback!

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