Coach CornerTechniquesWatch the ball or opponent
starsky asked 6 years ago

Hi coaches, 
After contacting the ball on a shot  do you recommend watching the ball or the opponent( bat angle etc ) . I’ve read different opinions on this and would be interested to hear your  take on it. 

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hi Starsky,
Thanks for your question.
Yes I would say after you have made contact with the ball you want to now keep an eye on your opponent. Look at their body positioning and alignment. You will then be able to read the play a lot easier and quicker keeping an eye on your opponent. Watch the opponents bat angle so you can judge how much spin they will produce, also it can give you a good indication on where they will pace the ball. When you have played your shot also get ready and in position for the next shot. Be on the balls of your feet and return to the recovery position. You need to recover relative to the line of play: we look at open points in the video there.
Hope this helps

replied 6 years ago

Hi Dan,
Thanks for the reply and link.
I will try to watch the opponent more from now on. In fact I tried it down my club this morning and realized I must remember to focus back on the ball after they hit it otherwise it goes past me !

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