Coach CornerPsychologyWatching ball and opponent
Andre asked 4 years ago

Hi Dan and Tom
I have realized that the faster the game or the exercise goes the more difficulty I have to concentrate on the opponent and the ball.
It is like fading out the ball and the opponent due to being overwhelmed and stressed.
But as long as I have this problem I can not get better. Do you know an exercise on or besides the table to improve my focus.
Thank you for your feedback

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 4 years ago

Hey Andre, yes being able to focus and read the opponents at high speed is a difficult skill but also important. The best way to improve this area is doing lots of irregular drills where you don’t know where the ball is going, this means you have to focus more on reading the opponent and spotting where the ball is going, a great one is this active blocking video we made and tom is really strong in this area:

So have a watch of that and the tips we mention in there will help too, bout the main thing is to just keep working on irregular and unpredictable practice drills. Also might sound a little strange but watching table tennis matches can help, not only watching yourself back but watching the top players on youtube and studying how they move and their ball placement and their shot choices. You can learn a lot from this and how pro players manage to stay in the rallies.

Let us know if you have other questions on this area, Dan 🙂

replied 4 years ago

Thank you for your helpful feedback.

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