Coach CornerTechniquesweight-transfer-on-bh-side
Hamza Caratela asked 2 years ago

Hi Dan and Tom, my BH side is quite solid now and I would like to gain more speed on my BH. I find it quite awkward to weight transfer on my BH. What suggestions can you give me with this weight transfer. Thanks 

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Hamza, this area in the backhand is something I have been working on as well in the last year. I think a small amount of weight transfer on the backhand is fine because it’s difficult compared to the forehand as you said, to get more speed you will need to focus on more acceleration in your forearm from your elbow and also brushing the wrist forward and releasing it as you contact the ball. Also slightly turning the shoulders and hips back before you hit the ball when you have enough time can help with the shot and the feeling of weight transfer into the backhand.
Dan 🙂 

Hamza Caratela
replied 2 years ago

Alright Dan, thanks for your guidance I will try to implement this in my game.

replied 2 years ago

Hi Dan. I see that the chinese and Harimoto (and others) do the backhand near the table rotating a little but not from left to right but right to left (for righthanders) as if it was a forehand but with less movement. What do yo think about?

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