Coach CornerTacticswhat-are-some-tips-for-playing-against-players-with-a-cheap-plastic-outdoor-bat
Cameron Feather asked 8 months ago

I am playing in a family tournament this weekend. Most players will be using those plastic outdoor bats that come with the table while I am using my normal bat. 
I find myself struggling in the past to win points in drawn our rallies and they seem to smash through my spin. Do you have any tips on how to approach these games?

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 8 months ago

Hey Cameron, yeah I know what you mean because those cheap plastic outdoor bats don’t react to any spin. You have to kind of just keep the ball low and try to find the middle so they can’t hit those nasty flat shots and get easy attacks. For sure you have to be patient and wait for the right ball to attack and when you can then definitely go for the body.

Sometimes playing with a bit less spin can actually help so they can’t just smash through the topspin, and also with the plastic bats it’s hard to lift up a good backspin pish so try to use that when you return serves where possible. Dan 🙂

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