Coach CornerEquipmentwhat racket should I choose?
Cillian Lee asked 2 years ago

I have been playing for a while now and have mastered the basics of table tennis and I would consider myself as an intermediate player. I recently wanted a new racket but don’t know which one to get. I am willing to spend at max £70. do you have any suggestions of a racket?

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Cillian, 
I would always suggest you go for a wood blade because of the feeling and control it gives you, this will help you to carry on improving your game. I would put something medium hard in terms of sponge on the rubber, something not crazy fast but with good control and spin. 
So something like DNA Pro M, or Rasanter R47, or donic bluestorm. These are all very similar I would say you can get this setup for around the price you are looking to spend.
Dan 🙂 

Cillian Lee
replied 2 years ago

Thanks A lot but do you know any premade rackets that might be good.

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