Coach CornerTechniqueswhen-shots-dont-feel-right
Kevin Tang asked 2 years ago

Having a weird issue, but after I play with a blade / rubber for a little bit, the shots that I normally think would go in are out. I was playing horribly and had no feel. 
Wondering if this is maybe an issue with the rubber wearing out? I was a little stumped yesterday as I felt the same shots that were going in a week before started to go out. I felt a bit strange as the week before I was playing great with my setup.
Or maybe this is just a skill issue and it happens to everyone? 

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Kevin, it’s always tricky to know exactly why these things do happen. The thing with table tennis is that it’s such fine margins between playing badly and playing well, it’s definitely a problem that everyone has for sure. If it’s just one week to the next I wouldn’t say it’s a problem with the rubber wearing out as this will happen gradually over time. We all just have bad days unfortunately, the bet players just train a lot and focus on weaknesses so they have less and less of these bad days. You just have to try to also not let these days get you down and try to focus on the areas that the most mistakes are happening so you can learn from them and improve.

Sometimes in table tennis it can be hard to pinpoint exactly why one day you felt good and another day you felt terrible, but I think it’s about not being to hard on yourself, trying to do some fun drills if you have a few days like this in a row to just to keep enjoying it. I’m sure you will be back to playing well very soon!

Tom 🙂

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