Coach CornerTechniquesWhen to go in for the kill
lem496 asked 5 years ago

The club I belong to opened yesterday with many limitations placed on game play, but still well worth it. The wait is finally over. It was interesting to play against someone after playing against a robot for so long. I noticed two things about my game I find troubling and hope you might have suggestions on ways to correct these. 1) I am almost always going for the kill shot. Rather than trying to set my opponent up I seem to be just “going for it” after the third ball. No matter how many times I tell myself to be patient, I attack. I noticed this is really messing with my shot selection as well.  2) I’m good at keeping my eye on the ball and tracking the ball up until  3rd ball then I think my eyes are darting all over the table rather than focusing on my opponents bat. I did receive a few compliments on the amount of spin I was putting on the ball. I’ve been really working on my forearm/elbow snap (thanks Tom) but I really need to work on these two problems. I’ll be back at the tables tonight. Any suggestions are welcome.
As always stay safe,

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hey Lem, that’s great that you can get back to your club and play now! Ok, so the first problem you mentioned about going for the killer shot to early and too often I would suggest really trying to think about placement and spin over speed. Try to test yourself to win points by forcing the opponent into mistakes rather than winning shots. I find really thinking about not missing before the first 5 shots are on the table and then you can allow yourself to go for a more positive shot.

The second part you mentioned I feel is linked really, so try to track the path of the ball with your eyes from your opponents bat up until it’s in front of you and before you make contact. Also as with the first problem just slowing yourself down and only concentrating on keeping the ball on the table will make you feel less rushed and as though you have more time.

I’m glad to hear you are getting more spin and the elbow snap has helped that’s great, hope the session goes well tonight and thinking about those small areas I mentioned will make a difference!


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