Coach CornerEquipmentWhen to use quicker equipment
Iwilllearnbackhandloops asked 5 years ago

I hear such a mix over equipment regarding higher pace products. I sometimes smirk at opponents when I know that they cannot handle the consequences of faster equipment due to improper technique. You can simply outplay them, focusing on their weaknesses to win. 
I’m getting to the stage where my technique is reasonable. Some say at this stage it can actually work out better to go quicker to allow the equipment to do the work for you. Others say not. What is your take on this?

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hey Iwilllearnbackhandloops, I think this is quite a personal topic which differs for each player. What I would avoid is going up in equipment speed just for the sake of it. Even if your technique is pretty strong now, some players simply don’t suit faster equipment and may always be more comfortable with a more controlled option.

The only time really to think about faster equipment is if you feel your technique is strong and you find that you still can’t generate enough power with topspin shots etc.

What equipment set up do you have right now?

replied 5 years ago

I’d say that I play my best as an offensive looper. I like to topspin early and stay in control with spin and attack.
With that in mind when I started playing again a few years ago and went straight to Tenergy 05 on a Boll ALC blade. I think it was a bad move on my part. I didn’t have the technique and control back yet to my game. I tried to slow it down to Rozena and have been playing well with it after some time. My feeling and control has really come on but I think that is due to proper training and time back on the table.

I hear compelling things. One that I should go back to faster equipment to let it do some of the work for me. Two that I’m just not Timo Boll and it’s too fast for me. Looking at my game overall at the moment I think that I would benefit from the extra spin and speed as my technique is getting there. But at what cost.

replied 5 years ago

I’d say that I play my best as an offensive looper. I like to topspin early and stay in control with spin and attack.
With that in mind when I started playing again a few years ago and went straight to Tenergy 05 on a Boll ALC blade. I think it was a bad move on my part. I didn’t have the technique and control back yet to my game. I tried to slow it down to Rozena and have been playing well with it after some time. My feeling and control has really come on but I think that is due to proper training and time back on the table.

I hear compelling things. One that I should go back to faster equipment to let it do some of the work for me. Two that I’m just not Timo Boll and it’s too fast for me. Looking at my game overall at the moment I think that I would benefit from the extra spin and speed as my technique is getting there. But at what cost.

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