5 Habits You Need To Learn From Pro Table Tennis Players

Hey guys! We’ve just released a new YouTube video where we show you 5 habits that all professional table tennis players do that you need to learn to help improve your game! These habits can be applied to your training and will help you progress faster and enable you to maximise your potential as well as cut out mistakes.

So what are these habits???

Habit 1: Stay relaxed

Pro players never get tense and fight with the ball, they maintain a relaxed arm and body which helps them stay efficient and not waste energy with unnecessary effort. By having a good weight transfer and using the legs and body well in their shots it means they can keep their arm relaxed and get a better quality touch and feeling on the ball.

Habit 2: Awareness

Being aware of the opponents position on the table, where they are playing the ball and also how to take advantage of these things is something that pro players do so well. Picking up these signs and signals and being aware of the opponent makes a huge difference in match play and giving yourself more time to react and play an effective shot. Also having awareness of yourself is key to improvement, analysing and understanding your mistakes is a great way to reduce mistakes and avoiding them in the future. Don’t forget if you want your game analysed by Dan and Tom we have the coach corner feature on the Academy where you can submit your videos and questions to get feedback and help with your game!

Habit 3: Regular serve practice

Serving is the only time in table tennis where you have total control of the ball and often players don’t make the most of developing a good quality set of serves. Pro players all spend time regularly doing serve practice and making sure they can consistently serve low, with good spin and into the areas they want to, even when under pressure in a match.

Habit 4: Fitness

Table tennis is a very physically demanding sport, especially since the introduction of the plastic ball these demands have only increased. Professional players spend time not only training on the table but off the table too. This allows them to be fit and strong enough to training consistently at a high level. Also spending time working flexibility and injury prevention is a big part of their training schedule. At the Academy we have dedicated section on table tennis specific fitness videos which you can use to add into your training and work on speed, agility, strength, injury prevention and more!

Habit 5: No Distractions

Professional players always go to training with 100% focus on the task and what areas they need to work on and improve. This may sound obvious, but going to training with a high intensity and a plan is something that not all players do. There can be many distractions to training effectively, so be sure to block them out and give your training full focus to gain the maximum benefit.

So there we go, there are the 5 habits you need to learn from pro players to take your game forward!

At the TableTennisDaily Academy we have over 100 coaching videos covering technical, tactical and psychological aspects as well as in depth match analysis. As a member of the TableTennisDaily Academy you’ll also have full access to our “coach corner” which gives you the ability to ask questions that professional coaches Dan and Tom will answer. Whatever your questions, get swift and reliable coaching feedback you can trust right at your fingertips. You can even post videos of yourself in action for Dan and Tom to analyse, they will provide specific advice to help you take your game to the next level! So what are you waiting for, access your free trial today!

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