Coach CornerMatch playhow-to-predict-next-opponents-stroke
PavelZ asked 6 years ago

do you have some tips what to focus on which would help me to guess the next opponent stroke and its direction?

2 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hi Pavel,

Great question. The best way to do this is to do irregular practice drills where your opponent can topspin in any direction.

This question is a great request and we will make some videos on this. Practicing a lot of irregular drills and playing matches will help you develop the experience to learn and read the game. By doing this practice it will help you learn and pick up the cues on when your opponent will switch you or play to to a different direction.

This video will give you a bit more understanding:

For now, we will start preparing some videos based on this 🙂

PavelZ answered 6 years ago

Hi Dan,
thank you for your answer. I’m looking forward to the new videos.

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